when i say jump, you say how high
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I like nonsense - it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope... and that enables you to laugh at all of life's realities.
- Dr Seuss

I couldn't think of what to put here, so i just make do with a quote even i don't understand. -.-"
4 : 8 ;
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Stoning. 12:09 AM


Yo freakazoid. You're fourteen lerh, old woman. Jk la.
Sick today. Darn. Yanhan had to do project by himself. Sorry lah. Psps. O:
Lalalalala. Boring. Sian. Gonna msn. Then stone. Or maybe go habbo. Or chiong homework. Shit, i forget tuition homework not done yet. So you get the hint. I'm busy. Bye. :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I pwnz all. 5:00 AM


I pwnz all! RANDOM. :D

Bored. Today got so little homework, surprise surprise? :O

Lost my eraser. Was pretending to eat in front of Michelle. Sadded!

Having sore throat. Can't drink blueberry tea or eat pringles. BOBBA.

And... I'm getting a new blogskin. Along with new cbox. Next you will see a changed blog! :D

& My IT test... I think I flunked it.

Friday, February 19, 2010
Cuteness 8:43 PM


Went to Annie's birthday party. Not much fun. Annie played with her friends. Watched alvin and the chipmunks 2. Theodore is super cute. He went around going, Hi, I'm Theodore. Soooooooooo cute. And Eleanor too. She was like, "Not Theodore too?" Laughs. Cuteness.

Gtg for lunch then tuition. Tuition sucks manzxc.

Monday, February 8, 2010
Smell my foot. 6:33 AM

Oh hi people. :D Gotta lay off the bad words. Everybody is saying me vulgar, and i think my father is gonna read my blog. Battery left 3% before auto shut down, so will make this a short post.

I am trying for SL. I hope I get in.

Today Teng Gay try block me from joining my seat back with Keane. I tell him move, he don't want. Easy lor. Kick his foot then join back the tables.

Ok that's all. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010
A summarisation of long long posts. 4:52 AM

omg. Wanted to post but blogger got problem. So I'm just gonna summarise what happened,

Oh, stayed back in class to do CNY decorations with Bernice and Wei Zen. Then went downstairs, met Yan Han, Cherie and Peiy Jing. Cherie don't want share her candy floss. EVIL. I go buy my own one :D Then Yan Han also buy. His one so much smaller sia! Unfair, he say. Too bad, next time buy your food before me (: Then when Cherie finish eating her candy floss she attempt to steal from me! Twice! HAHA SHE MISSED :P

Stay back so long just to do art D: Cause teacher say not coloured properly. Darn!

Went for CCA with Marcus and Zheng Xiu. Was late cause went to eat lunch when left 10 mins only. Then Bernice help me open door. Zheng Xiu and Rslyne in AVA, they sadded. Lucky I got into IT with Marcus, but sadded for Zheng Xiu and Rslyne.

My brother sick, brought him to clinic, then wait so long until keep going to 7 eleven 吹冷气. Then the stupid counterlady lock me out manzxc! I come back that time, she purposely pretend don't see, go close in front of me leh! I bang and kick door also don't open, must go through back door. I glare at her the whole time, she pretend don't see me, stupid old auntie. But I like the doctor there, he's nice ^^ Went for tuition. Yuxiang say I his 老婆. But he say he got
老婆 liaos, then I say I be his mistress. Haha.

Ok, mother rushing me go bathe, say she want wash my shirt. Baii naozxc. :)