when i say jump, you say how high
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I like nonsense - it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope... and that enables you to laugh at all of life's realities.
- Dr Seuss

I couldn't think of what to put here, so i just make do with a quote even i don't understand. -.-"
4 : 8 ;
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Homework I wanna kick your ass. 8:22 AM

Omg omg don't know what to post. Edited class blog. Haven't been getting tags. :O Revive this blog peepos. Got new spectacles. Nerdy. And glam. Nerdy Glasses are the cool things nowadays. :D Lols. Facebook brings me away from the real world. Keeps distracting me. Sorry for not updating these days. Lazy to blog. :/

I hate school! I hate homework! I hate tuition! I hate studying!

But I do love facebook :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Unlucky day today. So sadded. :( Bird shitted on my head manzxc. Then damn scared. Lucky got 2 helpful girls help me put my bag on bench. :3 Didn't dare to stand straight, had to bend down for 1 hour ++. :O Wanted to confide in someone but she messed up. Always thinking she's awesome. Says herself "sporty" and thinks she is super duper good cause she has many friends. But I have more.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Chestnuts are idiots. 7:00 AM

I officially hate Chester Ang.

I mean like, the matter's blown over, why does he have to tell everyone in MSN?

Told him to change his name. Nicely. And got refused.

Piss me off.

Meeting him tomorrow.

Wanted to tell it to his father but changed plan.

Ignore him when he tries to be chummy with me and make him look stupid.

That's great. And when his parents ask, I will tell them what happened.

And he will be so sad without his favourite cousin. Other than Shermaine and me, all the others hate him.

But I will get Shermaine to hate him too.

Good luck, Chestnut. You'll need it.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Forgive but don't forget. 7:22 AM

Hey people! Forgave LJR already. But I will not remove the post that came before this one. Because I forgive but I do not forget.

Went back to HGP today with Lok Heng and Sylvia. Then meet Zheng Xiu and Melvin and another one. Then they played. Then I got bored. Then I left.

Met my mother at Hougang Point. She ate Sakae Sushi with my brother without me!!! Nvm my father promised to bring me there tomorrow for lunch. :)
Got a lot of homework because of stupid 杨老师. 杨老师我恨你!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010
Stupid Lim Jun Rong. 1:36 AM

Stupid Lim Jun Rong. So irritating. Always wanting to follow wherever I go. I hate Lim Jun Rong and I'm sure most of you do too. Just because I accidentally let rice from my mouth go to his hand doesn't mean he has to clean it back on me, right? And then when I pointed out that he didn't need to clean it on me, he could have cleaned it on the table or something, he said, "What, is your one what." Stupid person. Always say me spoilt/act cute. Is he more la. When he says the food tastes terrible/disgusting I will say, "Oh it's not so bad lah." And then he will accuse me of being spoilt. -.- Me knowing how to appreciate food is spoiled? Puhlease. Go get yourself a life Lim Jun Rong. And when I say bye to someone or do something normal he will say I'm acting cute. He always blinks his eyes like a girl and do the kissy lips. I tell him that is he more act cute by doing that, and he says No, that's acting girly. Stupid. When he obviously knows I'm mad at him he stills follows me. Let me explain to you why. He always follows me home because he wants to come to my house to play my computer whereas he is not allowed to do so at home. When I tell him No, he still follows. When I reach home, my mum will pity him and let him in. He always does that even when I say no. Today I was firm with him. That's why he stopped following me after awhile. Haha. Nevermind shouldn't waste my time making myself angry over him. Got tuition later. :( With the teacher I hate the most!!! She's female and has armpit hair :O Lols. Ok bye now. Remember to keep hating Lim Jun Rong.

Friday, January 15, 2010
Whoever invented homework has to pay for making all the students suffer. 4:06 AM

OMG Sorry for not posting for so long! Was carried away with facebook and games. :x Well now isn't the time to post since I've still got tuition homework to do. But facebook and MSN are distracting me D: Told my mum I started in the afternoon....Up til now I've only done 1 question... :/ Better complete it soon or will get killed. O: And I've still got school homework to do. Will not be free on Saturday. Have to complete on Sunday along with other tuition work.

P.S. Shingz really does mean bad! I've checked the definition. Lok Heng you were right!